Cover this blog with the blood of Jesus Christ, so everything I write wont be used against me by the devil. Jesus' name covers it and sanctify it so it'll only be in the centre of God's presence. Amen.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

false expectation

I know the end target is my goal.

but help so i wont get dissapointed by what i see in this life.

help me to have that faith.

if the true victory is to have faith in the end, is it still wrong to want healing, happiness, etc in this life?

so what is it that i need to expect Lord?

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

What is faith?

is it when just surrender everything to God, without knowing what's going to happen, but sure that it's for the best?


is it hoping and believing that a miracle will happen, even though no signs of it can be seen?

is that faith? or is that just optimistic and living indenial?

God, help me!